Comment Thread: What Are You So Excited About?

My wife has a broken wrist, I’m limping around with plantar fasciitis, and my syllabi and rubrics stubbornly refuse to write themselves. So, let’s keep things simple this morning, and have us an open thread: What are you excited about?

Me, I’m very excited about the rubrics I’m putting together for my fall assignments. I think students are going to respond well to the clarity of expectations you get with a good page of rubrics. More detail on that in a later post.

What’s got you jazzed this morning? In your research, in your teaching, in your recreational life? Have you had a breakthrough at work lately? Lowered your golf handicap? Taught your daughter to snap her fingers? Finish grading a summer course?

Tell us briefly in the comments: What are you so excited about?

6 Responses

  1. I’m excited about the possibility of something happening that I can’t reveal yet. But if it does happen, you will surely all hear about it, and I should know soon.

    Aside from that, I’m excited to continue forging ahead on the dissertation. I’m shooting for a March defense and May graduation. Whew!

    • How mysterious! I hope it comes through, not least so we can hear about it. :^)

      Glad that the writing is going well, John. I hope the winds stay at your back.

  2. Thanks, Brooke!

    And yes, mysterious indeed. I hope to know by the end of the week. Even though you don’t know to what I am referring, say a little prayer that this item–which deals with my dissertation–comes through as I hope and plan.

  3. For the first time since sometime in high school, I’m just really excited to go back to school this fall- to the extent that I’m really fighting the urge to go to Office Depot and geek out on unneccessary amounts of notebook paper, pencils and post-it notes. Also, Sept. 1 Ross and I are moving into a real house…. with a washer and dryer that don’t require quarters. James will have his own room, which is being painted to match his crib set, and just a few days ago I came across the remainder of his now discontinued nursery set. Score.

  4. What’s got me totally jazzed is a breakthrough in my husband’s and my study/office!! We just rearranged it using some tips from, and now I feel so empowered in this space! I find that I don’t avoid certain tasks with the same level of dread, and I’m hoping that this helps me conquer my embarrassing tendency to procrastinate this fall!

  5. I’m excited about the beautiful sunrise over Lake Michigan that I got to see this morning. It is a rare occasion when I’m up early enough to do that.

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